Stephanie Van Mechelen

Are you too a true romantic? Someone who can daydream for hours about castles with impressive throne rooms, knights and ladies? In that case, many of today’s interior design trends may be hard for you to digest. 2017 is all about functionality and straight lines. Even so, there’s no denying the charm of those shapes and materials of the past. By choosing authentic door handles you can easily bring that charm to your own home.

Long lost techniques

Authentieke deurklink Dauby

In a retro style interior, you need perfectly matching door fittings. Authentic door handles are more than just details, they can really make a difference. Dauby offers eight different collections (link) of retro door handles: a wide range of possibilities for every retro design lover!

Each door handle from our collections is a unique piece, made using the traditional technique of sand casting and subsequently finished by hand. This guarantees the highest quality (which castle dwellers already appreciated centuries ago).

Finding the perfect retro door handle

The question remains which door handle might be most appropriate for your interior. The range we offer is so wide, that choosing makes for a whole lot of fun and anticipation. We gladly introduce to you some of our most beautiful examples:

  • door handles M9 R3-Ø40MM bronze-AZ without BB (link)
  • door handles M6 P6 Britannium-BRI plate (link)
  • door handles BE271/R326bis wrought iron (FP) without BB (link)
  • door handles PHTLT+L” / P40 white bronze on plate blind (link)

Take a peek at our retro collections(link) for more authentic door handles.

Prefer contemporary design?

Are you looking for door handles to go with a more contemporary style? You can easily find those at Dauby’s as well. Our design(link) collections feature handles by some of the most famous designers. Just take a look at these little works of art by Philippe Starck (link), Luigi Baroli (link) or Fabrizio Cester (link). Feel like discovering all of them? Then click and browse through our entire collection (link).

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