Stephanie Van Mechelen

In 2024, concrete stands out as the undisputed star in the world of interiors. The robust elegance and versatility of concrete, together with the popularity of the concrete look, have turned this trend into a genuine favourite. The concrete look really comes into its own and becomes a true show-stopper when combined with materials such as Raw Metal.

Timeless appeal

Concrete offers an earthy, industrial appearance which perfectly combines with a modern, minimalist design. Whether we are talking furniture finishes, floors or walls, the concrete look is a popular choice.

Alongside modern interiors, homes in an industrial style are a great base for the concrete look. Perfect in combination with natural materials such as:

  • wood;
  • steel;
  • wool;
  • leather;
  • linen;
  • rattan;
  • bronze.

It provides the ideal backdrop for emphasising other textures and materials. Simultaneously, it creates an inviting atmosphere of modest refinement.

Sustainable and environmentally-friendly

The concrete look also embodies the growing value of sustainability in interior design. Concrete is a robust and environmentally-friendly material which lends itself perfectly to reuse and recycling.

Harmony between functionality and aesthetics

This trend encapsulates the harmony between functionality and aesthetics. Concrete is not only beautiful, it is also exceptionally functional and sustainable. It offers a timeless appeal with which you can make a genuine statement in your interior.

Want to enhance your interior with high-end interior fittings? See our products in Raw Metal and find the perfect match.

Questions about our range? Or would you like more information? Contact our interior experts: we will be happy to help.

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