Stephanie Van Mechelen

Do you like simplicity, functionality and sleek forms in your interior? Then you will almost certainly have heard of the Bauhaus style which is celebrating its 100th birthday this year!

Bauhaus is known for its timeless and industrial design which suits every interior. And rightly so, because after 100 years Bauhaus is still inspiring and captivating, as we know very well here at Dauby!

Bauhaus from the past to the present

On the 1st of April 2019, it will be one hundred years since Walter Gropius – a Berlin architect – founded the Bauhaus Academy for visual artists, craftsmen and architects.

The most important features of this design school were:

  • unity of form and function;
  • simple and clear style, intended for industrial production.

Deurklink Dauby Bauhaus

While the Academy itself may only have existed for 14 years, the timeless nature of this design has ensured that the models from 100 years ago are still up-to-date and highly regarded today. The one hundredth birthday of this institution is more than worthy of a celebration!

At Dauby, we are throwing ourselves into the Bauhaus style and its 100th birthday. The everlasting character of this style is so easy to combine with another design style that Bauhaus is suitable for incredibly diverse houses.



de wereldberoemde Wagenfeld lamp WG24 of de Bauhausstoel.

Dauby’s innovative style

Dauby distinguishes itself by rediscovering the styles and ideas of yesteryear. The Bauhaus style, which is celebrating its 100th birthday this year, also has a place in our range.

In our Pure® collection, for example, we have various models which are produced using entirely traditional methods and cast in sand moulds.

We therefore combine the contrast of the austere, pure forms of the Bauhaus style with the authentic look of our characteristic production process.

This adds character to the product, distinguishing it from the mass produced items which threaten to swamp us in our disposable society.

Curious about the Bauhaus models in our range?


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